Want to know more about Nicotine Pouch Strengths?

Nicotine Pouch Strengths Explained

We get a lot of questions about the strength of our nicotine pouches, especially how the strength compares between different brands. Question like:

What level of nicotine is strong?” “What would you say is a mild or light nicotine pouch?” “Are the strength dots the same across different brands?” “If nicotine pouches show the same nicotine amount, can I count on them being the same across brands?”

Unfortunately, a new product category takes some time to develop common rules and definitions for the various products and manufacturers, and so the short answer is that it is difficult to compare strengths between brands.

We have tried to categorise our nicotine pouches into difference ‘Strength Groups’ that allows you to compare all the brands of nicotine pouches that we sell on our site against each other. Some other sellers of nicotine pouches use a different scale. Our scale is shifted towards the stronger end, so some products we list as strong would list as extra strong on our competitor’s site. There are a few reasons for this, such as:

1) We don’t want you to be disappointed that the pouches don’t offer you the kick you expect.

2) As a nicotine user, you will develop a resistance to nicotine pouches over time. If you have used nicotine pouches for a short time already, you may find that pouches listed as strong on another website, hardly satisfy your craving at all. We just want to be as honest as possible.

Our strength categories are determined by the actual amount of nicotine that each pouch contains, allowing you to make a better, direct comparison of different nicotine pouches on a like for like basis.

Here are our strength guides (in mg of nicotine per pouch):

Low Strength = under 6mg

Medium Strength = 7mg to 15mg

Strong = 16mg to 25mg

Extra Strong = 26mg and up

What Strength Should I Go For?

This is difficult to answer. Please be advised that the very strong pouches (such as 50mg) will make the average smoker feel dizzy, and you would need to take the pouch out after a few minutes to avoid feeling sick!

Some smokers have tried vaping but didn't feel that the vape gave them enough of a kick compared to cigarettes, so if you think you fall into this category then go for something stronger, say 20mg or over.

Your average smoker would probably benefit from medium to strong (12mg to 25mg). A moderate to mild smoker could opt for something weaker than this. If you feel that your gums are sensitive to the pouches, you could try a lower strength.

Ultimately, try a few strengths and go with what's best for you.

Comparing Strength Between Nicotine Pouch Brands

The dots on nicotine pouch cans are not the same, and can’t be relied upon as a guide to strength

Let me give you an example:

ZYN brand nicotine pouches, as most other brands do, use dots to determine the strength of their nicotine pouches, from 1 to 4 dots (low to strong). Each dot represents just 1.5mg of nicotine, so there 4 dots pouches contain just 6mg of nicotine, which we categorise as low strength. You could be fooled into thinking that these ZYN pouches are really strong, but some extra strong pouches on the market contain up to 50mg of nicotine, so this would be 33 dots!! Which would look pretty silly!

Nordic Spirit on the other hand, also uses dots to distinguish the strength of their nicotine pouches, but each dot represents 3mg of nicotine, so a 4 dots pouch would contain 12mg of nicotine, or twice as strong as ZYN. On the grander scale of things, compared to other nicotine pouch manufacturers, 12mg isn’t massively strong. We would categorise these pouches on our website as medium strength.

So, it is clear then that comparing dots isn’t going to work. You really need to look at the nicotine content of each product to make a proper comparison. Luckily, we’ve done this for you, and we clearly show the nicotine content of each product on our website, so that you can more easily decide.

Please do let us know if you have any questions.

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